+387 (0)32 449120 mf@unze.ba

what is "mechanical engineering"

Mechanical engineering is, in short, the discipline of engineering that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science to the analysis, design, manufacture, and control of mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineering requires an understanding of fundamental principles including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis of components and systems, etc.

Disciplines related, among others, to the term "mechanical engineering" are: mechanics, mechatronics, robotics, structural analysis, thermodynamics, 3D modeling, CNC programming, IT technologies, etc. Areas of research, among others, are: mechatronics, composite materials, CFD analysis of fluid flow, analysis of components and assemblies using the finite element and volume method, biomechanics, nanotechnology, etc.

What does a mechanical engineer do?

Today, in the modern world, any branch of industry, and the development of economy and society in general, is unthinkable without mechanical engineers. Within this profession, there are a variety of challenging jobs in areas such as research, design, production and service of various goods. The study of mechanical engineering trains experts to work in the areas of: development, construction, construction, use and maintenance of plants, machines, tools, devices and other equipment; production, testing and recycling of various technical materials; designing thermal, energy and production processes; renewable energy sources and environmental aspects; automation, robotization, process management, quality assurance, measurement, and management and improvement of production and organization of work and production, CNC programming, etc. Mechanical engineers use essential principles with a modern approach and tools of CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) to design and analyze products, product development, production technologies, production facilities, industrial equipment, thermal and cooling systems, transport systems, robotics, medical devices, weapons, etc. One of the modern directions of mechanical engineering is the design and optimization of elements and systems based on examples from nature - biomimicry.

Enter "mechanical engineering" - yes or no?

One of the things that usually puts young people in a dilemma when deciding to study mechanical engineering is the platitude that it is a "difficult" study. The study of mechanical engineering only requires persistence, a disciplined approach to responsibilities, logic and a tendency to visualize in order to feel all its beauty. Student life includes learning and teamwork, but also socializing, parties, excursions, sports and professional excursions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.

Engineers are primarily responsible for the economic and economic progress of society, and that is why it is no wonder that they are highly valued, respected and well paid all over the world. Also, mechanical engineers are in high demand on the "labor market" of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the countries of the region, and European countries.

This is evidenced by the employment of our students immediately after completing their studies in many companies throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and the world, and a significant number of graduates also get employment as seniors (students in their final year of study).
Therefore, if you were interested in how "things work" from a young age, if you liked to assemble and disassemble, you never learned mathematics "by heart" but always wanted to understand and apply it, we can say with certainty that the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the right one for you. a choice for you, a choice that will provide you with a quality life, a respected job in a profession full of stimulating challenges.

General information about the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica

Pupil is an urban center in Central Bosnia, with a population of about 145,000, located in the valley of the Bosna River. Although it is often equated with heavy industry, Zenica is also a city of youth, a cultural and sports center where life flourishes. With your hosts at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zenica, fellow students, professors and assistants, you will feel at home.

The University of Zenica is the first accredited and reaccredited public university in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and as such it is recognized as a place that offers quality higher education, a good opportunity for scientific research work, and guaranteed recognition of diplomas, knowledge and skills in the public sector and private companies.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zenica was founded in 1977. Just this year, 2020, the institution marked 43 years of successful education of mechanical engineers in several different departments.

The main directions of action are: higher education educational process of young experts, scientific research work, and professional work in cooperation with the economy. As additional activities, professional conferences, seminars, professional consultations, etc. are organized.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering employs: 25 doctors of technical sciences (full professors, associate professors and assistant professors), 5 masters of technical sciences (senior assistants), 17 employees of other services (student service, administrative-legal service, technical service and others ). In addition to permanently employed professors and assistants, more than 40 prominent experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad are involved in the teaching process as professors and assistants.

To date, about 7,800 students have been enrolled in the I, II and III study cycles at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, and the studies were finalized by:
– 1,390 graduated mechanical engineers and mechanical engineers,
– 130 masters of technical sciences and
– 40 doctors of technical sciences.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zenica has about 4,500 m2 of usable space, of which about 2,000 m2 is classroom capacity, and other capacities include 10 laboratories with the most modern equipment and 150 computers, office space, a library with about 10,000 books, a reading room, a gymnasium, student canteen, etc.)

The main departments at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zenica are:
1. Department of Mechanics,
2. Department of Structures and CAD Technologies,
3. Department of Production Technologies,
4. Department of maintenance,
5. Department of Energy and Process Engineering,
6. Department of Automation and Metrology,
7. Department of Industrial Engineering and CIM Technologies,
8. Department of Environmental Engineering,
9. Department of design and technologies in wood processing.

10 laboratories have the most modern equipment in the domain of educational and scientific-professional work:
1. Laboratory for technical diagnostics,
2. Laboratory for measuring technique,
3. Laboratory for electrical engineering,
4. Laboratory for applied mechanics,
5. Laboratory for fluid mechanics and hydraulics,
6. Laboratory for Industrial Engineering,
7. Laboratory for cutting and machine tools,
8. Laboratory for engineering design LECAD II,
9. Laboratory for design and technology in wood processing,
10. Laboratory for environmental monitoring.

In addition, 6 centers operate, of which the iDEAlab center stands out, where student innovation and entrepreneurship are developed through:

  •  use of the premises of the European concept,
  • 3D printing equipment,
  • 3D scanning,
  • programming of robotic systems,
  • SolidWorks software for 3D modeling, as well as other software, etc.

So far, members (students) of the iDEAlab center in cooperation with mentors have done more than 50 projects, of which the following can be singled out:
– Making parts of medical protective equipment in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,
- Creation of the original PI-projector solution (with which it won 1st place at the IEEE competition),
- Production of the first high-quality 3D printer in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Performed the first surgical procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the leadership of a young doctor from the Zenica Cantonal Hospital with a 3D printed implant in cooperation with the iDEAlab center,
– Made the first 3D printed prostheses for forearm limb deficiency, etc.

What forms of study does the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica offer?

Product engineering design

This department is suitable for future students who possess creativity, who like mathematics, mechanics, physics, 3D modeling, programming, drawing, calculations, etc. Students acquire competences, in addition to other areas, in the domain of static and dynamic analysis and synthesis of structures, machines and mechanisms, 3D structural design of components and assemblies, methodical construction, application of computer simulations and calculations, methods of experimental analysis of deformations and stresses, and other areas.

More about the department…

Management of production technologies

The goal of this study program is to educate experts who will be able to design processing technologies, design various tools and accessories, optimize processing processes, contract jobs in the field of production, program the operation of machine tools and robots, from simple to the most complex processing processes, and apply the most modern CAD/CAM systems for the realization of production tasks. The educational process in the professional subjects part of the III and IV years of study is based on practical work, work in the faculty's laboratories, as well as visits to other institutions and companies in the country and abroad.

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Engineering and business informatics

The study 'Engineering and Business Informatics' educates IT operatives primarily for manufacturing companies, public institutions, and for all institutions and bodies that need information systems. Participants of the new study will get acquainted with the relatively new paradigm of development, planning and management of the product life cycle, acquire the necessary theoretical and professional knowledge, master the application of modern computer-supported solutions, such as the Siemens PLM Software - Teamcentar platform, with which they will solve real problems and be introduced to teamwork and independent work.

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This department bases its scientific-research, educational and professional activity on research in the fields of modern maintenance of process machines and equipment (metallurgical and mining plants and equipment, construction machines, energy plants, motor vehicles, etc.). The teaching subjects of the department deal with modern methods of technical diagnostics, assembly and disassembly processes, new technologies in maintenance, expert systems in maintenance, etc.

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Engineering ecology

Within this study program, experts are trained to acquire technical knowledge and skills in the field of environmental protection engineering, environmental technologies, and environmental monitoring and management. This study program, Environmental Engineering, is designed to be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. It consists of teaching units in environmental protection engineering, environmental technologies, environmental monitoring and management, which are based on courses in mechanical engineering, machine technologies, process engineering, energy and design, but also on fundamental scientific disciplines such as: mathematics, chemistry, physics, applied ecology and other scientific disciplines, forming the multidisciplinary basis of the environmental protection engineering study program, i.e. environmental engineering. 

More about the department…

Mechanical engineering

The "Mechanical Engineering" department is a three-year undergraduate study department. The study is organized for the duration of three years (VI semester) according to the Bologna concept 3+2+3. The study program has its purpose, primarily in training staff for the needs of the production environment, taking into account the needs of both current and future employers.

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When it comes to the need for qualified labor, the biggest problem is the deficit of VSS personnel: woodworking engineers, managers with knowledge and abilities who could accept the challenge to carry out the revitalization of the company, personnel for successful marketing and promotion of products, especially in the foreign market. The planned curriculum, as a separate one, provides the most useful knowledge, skills and competencies needed by future woodworking engineers.

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Detailed overview of undergraduate study programs

Master's study (4+1+3):
Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Product engineering design,

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Management of production technologies,

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Engineering ecology,

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Maintenance,

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Metrology.

Master's study (3+2+3):

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Renewable energy sources and environmental aspects.

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Metrology

Master of Mechanical Engineering – department Mechatronics – IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION

Curricula are aligned with ECT(A)S, with the possibility of vertical and horizontal transferability. Students study and actively use a foreign language and master computer techniques and technologies. Every year, our students go on professional excursions to companies all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also to the following countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, etc.

Also within the study, special attention is paid to the international mobility of students, and the results are professional visits by our students, listening to certain subjects, listening to semesters and writing diploma theses at universities in the following countries: Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, etc. within the ERASMUS+, GreenTech, CEEPUS, etc. programs.

study and enrollment conditions

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zenica, you can study as a regular student financed by the Founder and as a regular self-financing student in the first and second cycle of study - undergraduate and master's studies.

For the academic year 2020/2021. year, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, an enrollment quota of 125 students is planned for the first year of the first cycle of the 4+1+3 concept, and for the first year of the first cycle of the 3+2+3 concept – 40 regular students and 15 regular self-financing students. Data on enrollment quotas will be published in the Contest.

The ranking of candidates for admission to the first cycle of studies will be carried out:

  • without qualifying (admission) exam,
  • based on the general success achieved in the four-year secondary school,
  • based on success in subjects relevant to the study: Mathematics and Physics, i.e. Mathematics and Informatics for the study department 'Engineering and Business Informatics',

in terms of the achieved total number of points based on the aforementioned criteria, and in accordance with the Decision on criteria and standards for determining the order of admission of candidates for enrollment in the first year of the first cycle of studies.

 Enrollment of students will be carried out upon approval of the final ranking list of admitted candidates within the enrollment period determined by the University of Zenica Competition.

Enrollment conditions for students of the first year of the Master's cycle will be specified in more detail in the Competition.

You can find out all the information about admission to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica and the study system via:

  • Student services of the Faculty,
    every working day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the premises
    by phone (032) 449-144
    email: studentska.mf@unze.ba, mf@unze.ba
  • Websites of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: www.mf.unze.ba
  • By mail to: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, Fakultetska no. 1, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


where can you work after graduation?

After completing all degree studies, you have the opportunity to work in: to all areas of industry, energy, mining, traffic, etc., education as professors, commercial institutions, insurance companies, inspection services, etc.

Today, it is difficult to name an area where our graduates are not employed, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the world. Out of the total number of our graduates, over 230 work all over the world (Australia, Canada, USA, Western European countries, etc.), which indicates the fact that the diploma of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica is recognized all over the world.

In the field of cooperation with business entities, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering cooperates with companies: ArcelorMittal Zenica, MANN+HUMMEL, Pobjeda, BME, GS-TMT, Natron-Hayat, CIMOS, ADK, BNT, FIS, AMBYENTA, etc. in which a significant number of our graduates work.