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The 13th Quality 2023 conference was held

by | June 23, 2023 | Events

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zenica organized its traditional QUALITY 2023 Conference this year, for the 13th time.

This year too, we decided on Neum as the place of organization, and the period of the conference was June 19-21, 2023.

In addition to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, the co-organizers of the conference are Dicle University (Turkiye), the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering of the University of Mostar, the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Association for Quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Institute of Economic Engineering in Zenica.

For the conference itself, 69 papers from 175 authors and co-authors from seven countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Montenegro, Turkey and Germany) were accepted.

The conference worked in two sections according to the theme of the papers that arrived.

The subject areas at the conference were:


Quality management (concept, principles, tools and philosophy); Measurement of system and process quality characteristics; Metrology; Product and process quality; Quality in maintenance; Supply chain management; Quality and environmental protection; Quality engineering; Economics of quality; Industry 4.0; Risk management; Quality costs and quality cost management. Business excellence


Pedagogical standards and norms; Methods and procedures for checking and monitoring the knowledge of students (students); Methods and procedures for evaluating the quality of teaching staff; Self-evaluation of institutions in education; Bologna Process; Accreditation and certification of teaching programs and institutions; Legal regulations in the field of education; Accreditation in higher education. Independence of the QA agency. Digitization and hybrid accreditation. Quality assurance of the Joint Study program


Quality in public administration; Quality in healthcare; Quality in utility companies; Quality in agriculture; Quality in food production; Traffic and quality, Aspects of quality in the process of joining BiH to the EU; Quality in politics; Quality in the media; Quality in tourism


International standards ISO 9000 - Quality management systems, International standards ISO 14000 - Environmental management systems; International standards ISO 45000 – Ensuring health and safety; HACCP, ISO 16949, ISO 22000-Food safety management, ISO 27000-Information protection, ISO 26000-social responsibility, ISO 50000-Energy management; Status and trends in standards development. Quality information systems; International quality awards; Standardization; State quality program; Models of TQM and its evolution; Integrated quality systems

In addition to these thematic areas, a panel was held at the conference this year, which was dedicated to current events in higher education and the recommendations of the ENQA agency (CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ENQA PANEL).

The conference gathered a large number of authors who presented their works, both from higher education institutions and from business.

You can see part of the atmosphere in the pictures from the conference


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